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Strategy & Planning

What is the Value of IT Architecture?

November 6, 2020 David Taylor 0

Looking out over the IT landscape it is easy to draw a conclusion that IT architecture is not as valued today as it has been in the past. The growth of engineering has significantly outpaced the growth […]

BILT Image MM Revision 2
Strategy & Planning

BIL-T Gains Momentum as a Must-Attend Event

October 27, 2020 Michael Marks 0

If you have never attended one of the events that is part of the Business Innovation Leadership and Technology (BIL-T) conference series, you are in luck.  In a little over three weeks, on November 19, the next event – Architecting for Global […]

Strategy & Planning

Enterprise Architecture and Tech Debt

October 22, 2020 Michael C. Fillios 2

The year 2020 has presented significant challenges to businesses worldwide. Leaders in those businesses have had their lives turned upside down personally and professionally. Business plans have been blown apart. In some cases, the fundamental assumptions about […]

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Elevating Architecture

Enterprise Architecture at Work

October 5, 2020 Marc Lankhorst 0

Editor’s Note : What follows is an excerpt of Enterprise Architecture at Work – Modelling, Communication and Analysis © 2017 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, a book written by Marc Lankhorst, a managing consultant and chief technology evangelist […]

Applications & Technology

Consider this Blueprint of Futuristic Data Architecture

September 22, 2020 Alok Mehta 0

Ensuring data translates into meaningful information is what matters at the end of the day, as ultimately information is what is used to make decisions by the businesses.  To make things further interesting, businesses prefer flexibility and options in the way […]