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Applications & Technology

The World of an IoT ‘Architect’

December 8, 2022 Holt Hackney 0

Being an ‘Architect’ is a title with big meaning suggesting bold outcomes. The architects of the world have left behind medieval cathedrals, the Taj Mahal, the Pyramids, and the Great Wall. Closer to or world engineering […]

The Digital Age
Applications & Technology

What Spotify and Tinder Aren’t Telling Us

May 23, 2022 Holt Hackney 0

Our online and real-world lives are increasingly influenced by algorithmic recommendations based on data gathered about our behavior by companies that are often reluctant to tell us what data they’re gathering how they are using […]

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Applications & Technology

A Novel Computing Approach to Recognizing Chaos

May 4, 2022 Holt Hackney 0

Chaos and its chaotic dynamics are prevalent throughout nature and through manufactured devices and technology. Though chaos is usually considered a negative, something to be removed from systems to ensure their optimal operation, there are […]