The Internet of Things (IoT) is not new. It has been around, at least conceptually, for more than a decade. So, that new car smell has faded.
Even so, it remains transformational, especially when considering its impact on the enterprise. So, you’ll forgive us if we give IoT its due in the pages of Architecture & Governance Magazine every now and then.
This issue begins with a smart piece written by Mats Samuelsson, which highlights the importance of embracing a completely new enterprise, business and systems architectures—moving beyond Internet and current enterprise architectures.
We follow that up with an article, “The IoT: A Product, Solution or Concept for Enterprise Architects,” from our newly announced contributing writer Monte Rummer. On the strength of the more than half dozen articles that Rummer has written for this magazine, we thought it was high time we made it official—we appreciate his commitment.
Last, but not least, there’s Yaacov Cohen’s piece, “Humanizing Enterprise Architecture through Information Governance.” Cohen advocates “making the right thing to do the easy thing to do,” and goes on to offer suggestions for achieving this.
We hope you enjoy this issue, and we’ll continue to seek out the balance between what is too much and too little editorial treatment of the IoT.
On a different note, I encourage you to check out the new Architecture & Governance Magazine website at http://www.architectureandgovernance.com/.
At last, we have an exemplary companion to the magazine, replete with an archive of all past articles in the magazine as well as a blog for more short-form editorial work. As always, we encourage you to let our managing editor, Holt Hackney, know if there is a topic you would like to write about for the magazine, or the blog. Please contact him at hhackney@hackneypublications.com. A&G
George S. Paras is editor-in-chief of A&G and an EA mentor at EAdirections. Read his blog at eadirections.com.