Welcome to the new Architecture & Governance (A&G) Magazine.
With the recent decision of IASA Global, the world’s leading professional association for Technology Architects, to become the new publisher of A&G, the magazine will receive an infusion of energy and intellectual capital. We, Editor-in-chief George Paras and I, believe that A&G is once again poised to become the go-to resource for enterprise architects (EA).
The timing for a refresh of A&G has never been better, according to Paul Preiss, the CEO of IASA Global
“Companies all over the world are now trying to emerge from the global crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic. For many, this crisis expedited digital transformation strategies and they are realizing more and more the power of ‘architecture driven digital advantage’,” he said. “A&G has a long and rich history of providing leadership and extremely high quality, curated content in the field of Enterprise and IT Architecture. With IASA Global, the magazine will continue to focus on enterprise architecture and governance but will also push toward more innovative goals relating to Digital Advantage through architecture.”
The magazine was previously owned by Planview, following the company’s acquisition of A&G’s original publisher, Troux, in 2015.
“Under the stewardship of IASA Global, we believe that A&G can become an even greater resource for all enterprise and technology architects globally,” said Cameron van Orman, Chief Marketing Officer at Planview. “We are confident that IASA Global will deliver even greater success and strong content for A&G and its readers over the coming months and years.”
IASA Global’s involvement means that we will expand are editorial mission to include content for all technology architects, not just EAs.
Specifically, the magazine will cover the growing field of enterprise architecture, application portfolio management, digital transformation, and governance. IASA Global plans to leverage its global network to bring even more great material to A&G, expanding the reach and content to include many new topics of interest to individuals and organizations around the world. In addition, themes in technology, integration and modern software composition will also be addressed including AI, IoT, APIs, Microservices Cloud Platforms and more.
“There are lots of amazing things coming for this publication, and we encourage our readers to help us shape future content by become authors and supporters of A&G,” continued Preiss.
Similarly, Paras, a long-time industry analyst and highly respected consultant, was enthusiastic about the opportunity to expand A&G’s reach.
“IASA Global is one of the IT industry’s preeminent organizations with a massive community of potential thought leaders,” said Paras, who I have worked closely with since we started the magazine for Troux back in 2005. “We’re excited to embrace this tremendous opportunity.”
Holt Hackney, Managing Editor