A Big Deal
Digital transformation is the latest big deal. While there have been many “next big things” over the last two decades, this one is different. It has the potential to fundamentally change things for IT and […]
Digital transformation is the latest big deal. While there have been many “next big things” over the last two decades, this one is different. It has the potential to fundamentally change things for IT and […]
The theme for this issue of Architecture & Governance Magazine is “The Evolving Nature of the EA Profession.” As a relatively young discipline, enterprise architecture has come a long way. Interest levels continue to be high, […]
The theme for this issue of Architecture & Governance Magazine is “EA Is Everyone’s Job.” As awareness of the discipline around enterprise architecture has surged in the consciousness of corporate leaders in the C-suite, so too […]
Our theme this issue is “Driving Results Through EA.” Depending on the reader, that phrase may lead to one of two interpretations. The most common comes from pragmatists, members/leaders of EA functions that are primarily […]
Business architecture (BA) plays an important role in enterprise architecture. It helps establish context, including the link to strategy. It is the glue that connects and holds everything else together. More than any other part […]
Perform an activity, yield immediate value. Instant gratification . . . If only value realization from enterprise architecture could be that clear. Proponents of EA see its biggest potential realized through enterprise-level change. EA is […]
Making decisions in a complex enterprise is rarely easy. The perfect decision is usually elusive and often nonexistent. Executives I talk to often rely on a combination of intuition and experience and hope for the […]
A&G’s recently concluded 2011 Annual Survey reveals that EA groups are actively engaged in a wide range of initiatives that will have business impact well into 2012 and beyond. The data also reveals that these […]