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Greski Talks About the State of Agile

March 4, 2022 Holt Hackney 0

Leonard (Len) Greski is no stranger to the pages of Architecture & Governance Magazine. From its early days, the magazine featured Greski’s thought leadership in the enterprise architecture field, with his successful stints at W.W. […]

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Applications & Technology

Promote Good Engineering Culture for Success

February 28, 2022 Holt Hackney 0

By Shammy Narayanan An organization’s foundation must rest on an unshakable bedrock of a sound and solid engineering culture, which will outpace its competition and outlast in the race for relevancy. Although we fundamentally agree […]

Applications & Technology

Harnessing Noise in Optical Computing for AI

February 23, 2022 Holt Hackney 0

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are currently affecting our lives in many small but meaningful ways. In the near future, it’s predicted that these technologies will have an even larger impact through activities such as […]

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Applications & Technology

Top 10 Considerations for Cloud Transformation

February 11, 2022 Kumar Gaurav 0

The pressure on an organisation to transform has never been more tremendous. Organisations are already facing a long list of complex and ambiguous challenges, and those that do not accelerate their transformation journeys now risk […]

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Applications & Technology

Slow Down !! Cloud is Not for Everyone

February 2, 2022 Shammy Narayanan 0

Embracing a Cloud model motivated by a feisty and fierce marketing campaign is like an “Eskimo buying a refrigerator.” The sales team successfully instills an elevated fear of missing out and rushes us toward decision […]