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Applications & Technology

Enterprise Architecture Tool Strategy

July 25, 2022 Holt Hackney 1

By Dr. Gopala Krishna Behara For many organizations, enterprise architecture information spread across the organization and there exists no central access to these artifacts. Many Business Units and application owners adopt their own tools to […]

Solution Architect
Applications & Technology

Solution Architecture Diagramming

July 20, 2022 Holt Hackney 0

By Dan Hughes, of Wittij Consulting Diagrams are a powerful tool for solution architecture design. Firstly, a solution architect can use them to effectively think through an architecture design because the diagrams help to structure […]

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Applications & Technology

Burning Gas While Flying Blind

July 7, 2022 Holt Hackney 0

By R.M. Bastien When we look at the process of building a digital solution from the highest possible viewpoint, the amount of business knowledge required to execute is preponderant at the beginning of the development […]

dreamstime m 30675075
Applications & Technology

Microservices Adoption : Why, When & How

July 5, 2022 Holt Hackney 0

By Dr. Gopala Krishna Behara In software development, smaller is usually better. More minor things are easier to code, easier to maintain, simpler to test, and easier to deploy. Systems built this way can be […]